Inspired the concept of the Placeholder Board as the “logic” / “wiring” could be written already


  • Implement a filtering mechanism using a Large Language Model (LLM).
  • Process an array of inputs based on defined filtering criteria.


  • Input Processing:
    • Receive an array of inputs and apply filtering criteria.
    • Filtering criteria defined by the LLM prompt
  • LLM Decision-Making:
    • Incrementally process inputs, making accept/reject decisions.
  • Feedback Loop:
    • Use decisions to refine subsequent choices by feeding back into the LLM.
  • Each result has:
    • Decision
    • Rationale
    • Certainty?


  • Pre-seeding:
    • Option to initialise the LLM with predefined accepted and rejected items and candidates.
    • Adaptive Filtering:
      • LLM adapts its filtering based on feedback from previous decisions.
  • Training wheels
    • After each decision user can modify the Decision, Rationale and Certainty values before it is fed back into the LLM to make the next choice

Design Considerations

  • Criteria Definition:
    • Clearly define the filtering criteria for the LLM.
    • Decision Feedback:
      • Implement a robust feedback mechanism to enhance decision accuracy.

Next Steps

  • Develop a prototype of the universal filter board.
  • Define and integrate filtering criteria.
  • Implement feedback loop functionality.
  • Test with a diverse set of input data to validate effectiveness and adaptability.


Filtering an array of results from another board:

  • Query improvement:
    • Inputs:
      • Query that produced the results.
      • Results from another board performing any form of query that produces a list of results.
    • Processed outputs can then be passed to another board to optimise the query based on the “good” and “bad” results.
      • Probably justification for a reusable “Prompt Optimiser Board” to be use in conjunction with this board.
  • OpenAlex Search:
    • Outputs of a traditional query search
    • LLM filters based on a prompt: “Select the most relevant results for query X.”
  • Genetic-algorithm like board
    • Prompt to assess each item in the passed in array
    • LLM then acts as a fitness function to select candidates for the next generation.
    • Feedback loop to refine the selection process.