The Russian to English Translation Board leverages the Hugging Face inference API to perform translations from Russian to English.


Sometimes it will error because model is loading just run the board again.

For more information on the Hugging Face Inference API’s Translation endpoint, see here.


  • API Integration: Utilises Hugging Face’s inference API for translation tasks.
  • Input Handling: Processes Russian text for translation.
  • Caching: Supports caching to provide quicker responses for previously encountered inputs.
  • Model Loading: Allows for waiting on larger models to load before generating responses.

Inputs and Parameters

  1. API Key:

    • Description: A unique key that grants access to the Hugging Face inference API.
    • Usage: Required for authentication and accessing the translation service.
  2. Input Text:

    • Description: The Russian text that you want to translate into English.
    • Example: “Меня зовут Вольфганг, и я живу в Берлине.”
  3. Use Cache:

    • Description: A boolean flag indicating if the model should return a cached response for previously seen inputs.
    • Default: false
  4. Wait for Model:

    • Description: A boolean flag that, when set, allows the system to wait for the model to fully load before generating a response.
    • Default: true

Example Usage

Here is an example of how to use the board:


  "api_key": "YOUR_API_KEY",
  "input_text": "Меня зовут Вольфганг, и я живу в Берлине.",
  "use_cache": false,
  "wait_for_model": true


  "translated_text": "My name is Wolfgang and I live in Berlin."

The input text “Меня зовут Вольфганг, и я живу в Берлине.” is correctly translated to “My name is Wolfgang and I live in Berlin.”

Future Enhancements

  • Browser Extension: Integration with the Breadboard Chrome extension to enable text selection and translation directly in the browser.
  • Additional Languages: Expansion to support translations for more languages.


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