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BreadBot is a package designed to experiment with interacting with the Discord API. The current version of the bot can accept, validate, and execute boards. It can also prompt users for input in a limited capacity by creating a promise on the server thread, which is resolved when the user responds. This feature will eventually allow node-by-node serial execution of boards with interactive user input.

When working in a server-client environment, the server can prompt the user for input, store the serialised board state, and then deserialise and resume execution once a response is received from the user/client. Future development will include templating a bot where the underlying logic is controlled by a Breadboard Graph.


BreadBot is an experimental Discord bot designed for loading and running boards within the Breadboard project. It offers two primary commands: load and run, both of which require a URL of a board as input.


Load Command

The load command performs the following functions:

  • URL Validation: Checks if the provided URL is valid and corresponds to a valid board.
  • Board Analysis: Returns statistics about the board, including:
    • Total number of nodes
    • Total number of edges
    • Kits used
    • Number of graphs
  • File Generation: Produces and attaches several files to the message:
    • A JSON file containing the board schema
    • A markdown file with Mermaid code for the board
    • A PNG file of the generated Mermaid diagram

Run Command

The run command executes the board and involves the following steps:

  • User Input Collection: Prompts the user to enter values for any inputs required by the board.
  • Board Execution: Processes the inputs and outputs the results from the board.
  • Validation: Ensures the URL is valid and the board is recognised.

Error Handling

BreadBot handles errors by validating URLs and board structures:

  • Invalid URLs are rejected with a message stating the URL is invalid.
  • Valid URLs pointing to invalid boards receive a message indicating the board is not recognised.

Example Workflow

  1. Loading a Board:
    • The user enters a valid URL and board.
    • The bot progressively updates the message, showing an hourglass icon initially, which changes to green tick as each stage completes.
    • The bot extracts and displays stats about the board, attaches the JSON schema, Mermaid markdown file, and the PNG diagram to the message.
  2. Running a Board:
    • The user enters a valid URL and board.
    • The bot runs the board prompting the user to provide input for input properties in the board.
    • The user provides values for required inputs (e.g., “greeting” and “name”).
    • The bot outputs the result (e.g., the joined strings of “Hello World”).

Advanced Features and Limitations

  • Harness Utilisation: The run command uses a harness to pause and gather inputs at each iteration.
  • Run Configuration: Currently, the bot supports only the core kit. Additional kits may be supported in the future.
  • Experimental Status: The bot is experimental with several limitations and is still a work in progress.
  • Future Enhancements: Plans include saving and reloading board states to prevent hanging when awaiting user inputs.


BreadBot is a proof of concept for integrating board operations within Discord. Although still under development, it demonstrates the potential for dynamic board management and interaction through Discord.