1. Concept:
    • Serve as an interface for the universal filter board.
    • Act as a template to facilitate implementation.
  2. Implementation Steps:
    • Design the placeholder board structure.
    • Define interface parameters: inputs, outputs, mappings.
    • Allow passing a concrete board as an implementation to this placeholder, effectively enabling dependency injection.
  3. Functionality:
    • Interface-like behaviour:
      • Acts as a middle layer between input data and the concrete board.
    • Accepts mappings of inputs and outputs to connect with the concrete implementation board.
    • By using this placeholder board, it effectively allows the replacement with a concrete board that adheres to the same interface.
  4. Design Considerations:
    • Flexibility:
      • Ensure it can accommodate various implementations.
    • Scalability:
      • Design for incremental data processing and feedback integration.
  5. Next Steps:
    • Create a basic prototype of the placeholder board.
    • Define the mapping schema for inputs and outputs.
    • Test with a sample concrete board to ensure compatibility and functionality.