Breadboard Chrome Extension

A Chrome extension for using Breadboard with the Google Chrome API. Currently, the extension has a single purpose: to summarise web page content and select text. This version of the extension is exploratory. When feasible, a more generalised version will be created to be used with any board.

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Two basic chrome extensions that were built initially while exploring the available options for creating one. In this example, there are two extensions that are built with Vite/React/Typescript and Typescript/Webpack respectively. As a future direction for this branch, we would like to create a template repository for this and have commands such as “create-breadboard-chrome-extension -ts/webpack” or “create-breadboard-chrome-extension -react/vite” that would generate a template for a basic chrome extension using the specified tools and containing a basic breadboard, thus speeding up the initial process of getting started with chrome extensions and breadboard.

An initial chrome extension built with Vite, React and Typescript that runs a basic breadboard. Users can type a message into the extension’s popup window and have the message logged back to them as they type it.

The most up-to-date and stable version of this project, that uses the Claude API and Breadboard to summarise either all the text in the current chrome tab or a selected piece of text. The summariser can be run both from the extension’s main popup window and from the context menu after selecting a bit of text from a page, right-clicking and selecting the “Breadboard > Get summary” option in the context menu. Compared to the initial branches that were the starting point for this project, the summariser follows a different structure in terms of organising files which seemed like a better choice for a chrome extension built with Vite and React.

This follows the same structure as the summariser, but the focus here was to integrate a board that performs sentiment analysis on a selected piece of text.